
DIVERSITY, INCLUSION AND CULTURAL COMPETENCE. - In recent times we've heard a lot about diversity and inclusion and we've also heard a lot about cultural competence. Unfortunately, these terms are often conflated and used interchangeably. So, it's important to identify and define each entity, define how they interrelate and operate cross functionally or complement each other as well. Cultural Competence is defined as the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures. Cultural competence is being aware of one’s own world view, developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences, as well as gaining knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews. (Make it our… Continue reading "DIVERSITY, INCLUSION AND CULTURAL COMPETENCE."
AN INTERVIEW WITH SONIA WYNTER ON FREQUENT TRAVEL AND IMPACT ON RELATIONSHIPS. - Shaw Medical Travel Consultants (SMTC) caught up with licensed clinical psychologist Sonia Wynter  (SW) to have a conversation about the impact of frequent traveling on interpersonal relations and relationships. This is a two-part series with the first part written below and the complete interview available on our YouTube channel. SMTC:  How impactful do you view the effects of Travel (personal or business) on the growth of healthy relationships. SW: There are several variables that can influence the impact of travel on the growth of healthy relationships a few of which are: The frequency of travel and the average duration of individual trips. The… Continue reading "AN INTERVIEW WITH SONIA WYNTER ON FREQUENT TRAVEL AND IMPACT ON RELATIONSHIPS."
SLICE – How Wellness practices can benefit depression. - Wellness tourism is defined as travel for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through physical, psychological or spiritual activities. Popular perceptions of the importance of diet, fitness and healthy practices have transformed and empowered vibrant new business sectors into the wellness markets. Wellness tourism is defined by the nonprofit Global Wellness Institute (GWI) as “travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one's personal well-being “. According to GWI wellness tourism is an extension of the values of the lifestyle of the traveler which is not just about the destination. The incorporation of elements of health, prevention, self-actualization,… Continue reading "SLICE – How Wellness practices can benefit depression."
HOW CULTURE AFFECTS HEALTH AND WELLNESS. - Culture affects health and healthcare in many ways and realizing this will impact success in disease management and achieving Wellness as well as interactions during mission and charity ventures. "Health is intertwined with the fabric of life and the beliefs and practices that go with it, health and culture exist and interact within a broader social, political, an economic environment " The classical definition of culture is “the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, customs, and any other capabilities inhabits acquired by man as a member of society” - EB Taylor 1871 No culture is ironclad or fixed,… Continue reading "HOW CULTURE AFFECTS HEALTH AND WELLNESS."
Traveling with Dietary Restrictions. - Please do not stop traveling because you have a diet restriction instead, read the following tips on how to make your travels enjoyable despite restrictions. Plan ahead. Research restaurants and markets at your destination using travel books and informational travel websites before you leave. Book accommodations with kitchenettes, apartment rentals, etc., in case cooking for yourself is necessary. Give airlines advanced notice of your special diet. Planes and trains – pack snacks and food but follow security rules for foods and liquids. Traveling internationally – make a list of restricted foods in multiple languages (ask your physician or research online).… Continue reading "Traveling with Dietary Restrictions."
WHAT TO EXPECT WHILE TRAVELING IN THE POST COVID-19 ERA. - “It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there is in the world” – Nellie Bly As the travelling community gears up in the next many months to resume essential and non-essential travel when borders are reopened, we can expect many changes. We can protest but there will be changes that we will be forced to accept and adapt. What are the expected changes? Starting with the person in the mirror - you. Due to being isolated and experiencing solitude, you might have realized new talents and acquired new hobbies and possibly… Continue reading "WHAT TO EXPECT WHILE TRAVELING IN THE POST COVID-19 ERA."
Nutrition, Stress and Wellbeing - “All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates Stress management is “as serious as a heart attack” We must think of our body as a whole rather than consisting of individual parts. Like an orchestra, the parts work together. Studies have shown there is a gut-brain connection.  Gut inflammation leads to digestive issues, which in turn produce brain inflammation, stress, anxiety, and depression-resulting in disease states. Studies have shown that 95% of all health problems are either caused by or worsened by stress. Stress affects the mind, body and spirit. If our body is nutrient deficient, then it cannot have… Continue reading "Nutrition, Stress and Wellbeing"
Tips for choosing a physician or surgeon. - HOW TO FIND THE RIGHT SPECIALIST. In this blog we will talk about the tools you need to select the right physician for you. We'll start with general questions, inquiries and background information you should check on and know about all your physicians and then subsequently fine-tune some details related to certain specialties. First for the general information: Verify the physician's credentials and that they are active, Do a Google and social media search including LinkedIn. Verify that the credentials are universally active, in other words a physician may be working in a different country. Verify that the credentials are… Continue reading "Tips for choosing a physician or surgeon."
Solo Female Travelers Shouldn’t Have to Choose Between Being Adventurous and Being Afraid - Article source: By TYLER WETHERALL at I THOUGHT BEING A FEARLESS FEMALE TRAVELER MEANT I COULDN'T SHOW FEAR. After I returned from Cuba, friends asked me how it was. Amazing, I said, and I meant it. I told them about the tumbledown houses and rattle of old cars. About dancing on the streets of Baracoa or hitching a ride on the back of an ox cart through the jungle. I also told them I found it hard to travel there as a single woman. And then I told them a story about what happened to me in a cab in Havana.… Continue reading "Solo Female Travelers Shouldn’t Have to Choose Between Being Adventurous and Being Afraid"
How to interview your doctor when traveling for medical care – 21 must ask questions. - Have you ever been to a doctor to consult on your medical conditions and been very uncomfortable or got the impression that they didn't know you or didn't understand you or there was just a lack of communication? Have you ever gotten nervous traveling outside of the country and felt like you did not know how to make sure you were asking the correct questions or investigating the right things? Below we listed a few questions you might find helpful to answer all these and more questions to Help you feel comfortable and secure about your choices. How long have… Continue reading "How to interview your doctor when traveling for medical care – 21 must ask questions."
How to compare the quality of facilities and physicians. - It's important you understand how to tell how good one facility is when compared to another or how good a physician is compared to another. There are many different measures currently available throughout the globe that compare medical services and health care facilities. As a layperson it may be difficult with the hodgepodge of confusing alphabet soup organizations that deliver comparative metrics to distinguish the significance of an evaluation or a grade given by these entities. So, what are some of the easily understandable and reliable ways to compare physicians and institutions across cultures and countries from a safety and… Continue reading "How to compare the quality of facilities and physicians."
Should I quit my job and travel? What do I need to think about? - Many dream of traveling at will, traveling without need to worry, but worry if it's the right decision? When is the best time? How will you finance it and a host of other valid concerns. There are a lot of stories on the web recounting personal experiences, pros and cons from anecdotal experiences but none that carefully detail all that needs to be considered. So here we will give you some pointers, pros and cons for you to consider before making this life changing move. Take time alone to think. Think about where you are in life now. Do you… Continue reading "Should I quit my job and travel? What do I need to think about?"
Travel young or older: pros and cons. - There's much debate about when is the best time to travel, is it better to travel when you're young or is it better to travel when you're older. although the exact age is that qualify for a description of “young” versus “old” can be left up to individual interpretation. At either age most are searching for Happiness and personal fulfillment to some degree. Traveling young < 30 years old. No responsibility - You have fewer responsibilities and obligations, financial and otherwise. This is a perfect time to travel on a slim budget, stay in hostels and couch surfing with likeminded… Continue reading "Travel young or older: pros and cons."
Drinking and traveling alone. - Definition of “alcoholism”, now called “alcohol use disorder“ is an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency (Oxford). it is a long-term addiction to alcohol and generate the person with this condition does not know when nor how to stop drinking. they usually spend a lot of time thinking about alcohol and cannot control how much they consume even if it causes serious problems at home, work or financially (Medical News today). Some people can be classified as high functioning Alcoholics , meaning that you can have a lot… Continue reading "Drinking and traveling alone."
Understand post abroad depression and Reverse Culture Shock. - Why is it important, essentially the same definition. What can you do about it? Reverse culture shock is emotional and psychological distress suffered by some people when they return home after several years overseas. This can result in unexpected difficulty in readjusting to the culture and values of the home country, now that the previously familiar home has become unfamiliar. (source: Investopedia). Post travel/study abroad depression is real. No one at home will understand you and no one will get you and what you're going through, it's like you're fighting it alone. The thrill of adventure that comes with travel… Continue reading "Understand post abroad depression and Reverse Culture Shock."
Does traveling help depression? - There are many people who suffer from depression whether it is chronic depression or situational depression or postpartum depression, but the symptoms are by and large similar. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems affecting more than 300 million people worldwide according to the World Health Organization (WHO). “Mental health issues are among the leading causes of ill health among travelers and psychiatric emergency is one of the most common medical reasons for air evacuation along with injury and cardiovascular disease” according to WHO. Many people enjoy traveling. Some of these same people who enjoy traveling also… Continue reading "Does traveling help depression?"
Things you need to know when buying travel insurance. - Before embarking on travel, it is recommended to secure travel insurance, even for local travel but definitely for international travel. Travel Insurance can arrange medical treatment in an emergency, monitor your care, serve as interpreters, help you replace lost passports and so much more.  There are many pointers that you should know and there many facts you should find out prior to travel. A few things you should know about travel insurance: Benefits vary by plan. It’s important to choose a plan that fits your needs, your budget and your travel plans. Here are definitions of all available travel insurance… Continue reading "Things you need to know when buying travel insurance."
What is the significance of Including your primary care doctor in your travel medical decisions? - Because you have a relationship with your primary care physician and he or she knows your history and has had a professional relationship with you over many years it's important to include this person in your decision-making. Part of the reason for including your primary care physician in your decision-making as it relates to medical care being sought abroad is that he or she is familiar with you and is incentivized to steer you in one direction or another. The recommendations will be solely based on what is in the best interest of you and your health. What is important… Continue reading "What is the significance of Including your primary care doctor in your travel medical decisions?"

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