Shaw Medical Travel Consultants is proud to offer Wellness and Holistic retreats in various locations around the world that focus on stress relief, self-improvement and self-actualization, while achieving the best 'you' possible. Each location has been personally inspected and uniquely chosen by our clinical team to deliver the highest level of quality that meets and exceeds the highest standards of expectation. Our wellness partners incorporate centuries old techniques and authentic forms of wellness and stress management practice, to immerse you in a unique and unforgettable experience. Our aim is for you to leave feeling relaxed, re-energized and restored.
These are stressful times. We all need to rejuvenate. Your wellbeing is at stake.
The World Health Organization defines health as "not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being". Wellness has been defined more as an action an individual takes to meet the above definition of health. The Global Wellness Institute defines Wellness as the "Active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health."
Wellness is linked to holistic health which extends beyond physical health and incorporates many different dimensions that should work in harmony.
Reach your optimal state of health and well-being.
This is your time to take care of yourself. Achieving Wellness will involve an individual pursuit to make your best choices through behaviors and lifestyles which are influenced by the physical, social and cultural environments in which you live.
Contact us, let us help you achieve your best you!!

Wellness is multidimensional, and most models of Wellness include six dimensions usually. Those dimensions are:
- Physical: we will ensure healthy habits through exercise, nutrition, sleep, water.
- Mental: through meditation, yoga and other mind soothing exercises, these experiences will help to clear your mind.
- Emotional: with a changed mindset helping you to become more in touch with, aware of, accepting of, your feelings and needs and thus those of others as well.
- Spiritual: your experiences are designed to aid or start your search for meaning and purpose in your life.
- Social: With a clearer purpose and mindset, your ability to communicate will improve.
- Environmental: you will gain an awareness of the role you play in and help you to synchronize your meaning and purpose with the natural environment.
Shaw Medical Consultants designs all our programs to incorporate all 6 domains in resetting your mindset and ensures you will be provided the most unforgettable and life changing experiences. You will not leave as you came!

The Wellness Continuum, is a movement away from activities designed to treat illnesses or to make one well or to feel better which typically engages the healthcare environment designed to cure and treat diseases.
Through the experiences you will have with Shaw Medical Consultants and our partners, you will proactively engage in creating a mindset and activities centered around prevention and maximizing personal vitality and growth, adapting positive attitudes and lifestyles that prevent disease, improve health, and enhance quality of life and sense of well-being.
Engaging in "Wellness" activities leads to "well-being" which ultimately leads to "happiness."
Contact us, let us help you achieve your best you!!