Drinking and traveling alone.

Definition of “alcoholism”, now called “alcohol use disorder“ is an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency (Oxford). it is a long-term addiction to alcohol and generate the person with this condition does not know when nor how to stop drinking. they usually spend a lot of time thinking about alcohol and cannot control how much they consume even if it causes serious problems at home, work or financially (Medical News today). Some people can be classified as high functioning Alcoholics , meaning that you can have a lot of activity going on uh from an outside life and be able to hold wow well-paying job down and function at home and within family and relationships adequately despite drinking excessive amounts of alcohol . A functional alcoholic could be very responsible and productive and high achiever but generally is in denial of his or her condition because there ‘vision ‘ maybe obscured by the fact that they’re able to hold down a good job pay bills have a lot of friends and seemingly function well , they usually provide a lot of excuses for their drinking and play the comparative game with other people who also drink and may not be as functional . heavy drinking can be considered for women to have more than 3 drinks per day or more than Seven in a week and for men more than 4 drinks per day or 14 per week, it’s considered that if you drink more than the daily or weekly limit you’re at significant risk.

Traveling alone often requires a certain degree of responsibility, vigilance, and awareness of your circumstances in addition to the ability to interpret cultural differences and variation and nuances in interpersonal relationships. Although in some cultures drinking can be accepted as a social norm in particular in some of the Asian cultures during formal and informal gatherings, being inebriated to the point of lacking the ability to be responsible for oneself does not bode well in any culture.  Additionally, drinking excessively from a female perspective and losing ability to monitor, manage or control one’s actions can be misinterpreted in different cultural environments.

Other concerns have to do with health-related matters in other countries. detoxification and treatment of the consumption of excess alcohol may not be treated as rapidly in a foreign country , may not be thought of as important as other medical conditions, and treatment options available in more developed countries may not be available you know they’re less developed countries. as such negative effects and consequences of being inebriated could become more pronounced. Additionally, the concern of mixing are there medications even as simple as Tylenol or acetaminophen could result in negative consequences.

Lastly, problems with Immigration and Customs could result if law enforcement from any culture is required to intervene or assist with any condition arising as a result of alcohol excess. Visa applicants can be found inadmissible to the United States and other countries due to physical or mental disorders with associated harmful behaviors to themselves, others, or property and alcohol abuse is considered to be one such mental disorder even if addiction or alcoholism is not present. (Berardi Immigration Law). According to the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) Title 9,40.11 N11.2, alcohol abuse itself is not enough to cause a finding of inadmissibility according to immigration rules. One may be required to be examined by one or a panel of physicians according to guidelines provided by the CDC, and based on the discretion of the panel an immigrant  waiver from the CDC, ( not the US customs and Immigration Services), can be issued. In order for a waiver to be granted, the applicant may need to arrange to report to a mental health facility in the US in advance of entry and must prove how this treatment will be paid for. This process can be difficult, lengthy and expensive. Of note these decisions can be appealed and a medical review board can be convened to refute and investigate any decisions made. of note a visa applicant may also try to contest the findings of the panel physician and an applicant outside of the US may have the counselor officer file a request for an advisory opinion with the CDC. However, it is noted that if the council officer refuses to file the advisory opinion request, nothing can be done further as the CDC rarely overturns the decision of the panel physicians.

Understand post abroad depression and Reverse Culture Shock.

Why is it important, essentially the same definition. What can you do about it?

Reverse culture shock is emotional and psychological distress suffered by some people when they return home after several years overseas. This can result in unexpected difficulty in readjusting to the culture and values of the home country, now that the previously familiar home has become unfamiliar. (source: Investopedia).

Post travel/study abroad depression is real. No one at home will understand you and no one will get you and what you’re going through, it’s like you’re fighting it alone. The thrill of adventure that comes with travel feels completely lost upon returning home, can make you feel like you’ve taken a step back. Online travel groups will help but only for a short time. Sometimes you feel that coming back home isn’t really like coming home at all, as your new adjusted home has been one of new experiences, new people and the unknown on the road. You feel a sense of being unsettled, what you previously thought was a secure landing is no longer. You sometimes feel you have no secure landing. All you can do is think about the next travel and the next journey away.

As Benjamin Button said:  ‘it’s a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feel the same. You realize what’s changed is you.”

Here are some of the symptoms:

  • Spending a lot of time searching for opportunities abroad.
  • Comparing everything to your experiences abroad.
  • Criticizing the way things are done and how people live their life in your hometown calling them “close minded”.
  • Talking constantly about your travels and experiences and sharing pictures.
  • Not wanting to leave your home and losing interest in things you previously enjoyed and feeling distant from friends and family, Not wanting to meet other people.
  • Fear leaving home because you don’t feel welcome and feel different as if you don’t fit in anymore.
  • Feeling “stuck” or worried that you will never be able to travel again.
  • Not wanting to commit to relationships or work or job for fear of being stuck in the same old grin.

What is a remedy and how do you treat this:

  • One of the important steps to preventing this before going is to train your thought process to understand that the experience is going to be temporary (unless it’s not!), framing your expectations for your return.
  • First step is to recognize and to educate yourself on the symptoms and the diagnosis/condition. Know the stages:
    • The initial shock stage – feeling as if you are not able to return to your old ways handle things.
    • The depression stage – feeling down, anxious, insomnia, and not able to get thoughts of your travel out of your head.
    • The tantrum stage – you hate everything and everybody and all your experiences.
    • The substitution stage – searching for familiar foods and experiences and locations to “trick your mind” into thinking it hasn’t really left.
    • The realization stage – understanding the process and putting things into perspective.
    • The acceptance stage – accepting that the experience was temporary and appreciating it for what you learned and your personal growth.
  • Make a travel goal and plans for your next trip as something to look towards.
  • Share experiences with your friends and family such as cooking, dancing or other cultural activities.
  • Get involved in international communities (International citizens’ group – www.internationalcitizens.com, InterNations – www.Internations.org ).
  • Volunteer in international communities eg.with refugees such as teaching English or assisting with cultural awareness an acclimation.

Does traveling help depression?

There are many people who suffer from depression whether it is chronic depression or situational depression or postpartum depression, but the symptoms are by and large similar. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems affecting more than 300 million people worldwide according to the World Health Organization (WHO). “Mental health issues are among the leading causes of ill health among travelers and psychiatric emergency is one of the most common medical reasons for air evacuation along with injury and cardiovascular disease” according to WHO. Many people enjoy traveling. Some of these same people who enjoy traveling also feel depressed from time to time. Sometimes the depression is so bad that it interferes with traveling and often-times we consider – will traveling help my depression or not? If you are struggling with depression, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot travel.

It’s important to realize however that travel is not a cure for depression and although it may improve the way we feel temporarily, returning to prior environments or situations can prompt depression feelings again.

What are the symptoms of depression?

  • Mood changes such as anxiety, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings or sadness, feelings of guilt or general discontent and hopelessness, apathy and sometimes even anxiety.
  • Behavioral changes such as agitation or excessive crying and irritability, restlessness and even at extreme level social isolation
  • Sleep changes and cognitive changes can occur such as early awakening, excessive sleepiness, insomnia or restless sleep, lack of concentration and slowness in activity and even at extremes thoughts of suicide.
  • General symptoms such as excessive hunger and fatigue or even loss of appetite, with weight gain or weight loss.

Tools for preparing to travel.

  • Plan your trip, so you will know what to expect as unknown events, unrealistic expectations and surprises can increase stress and anxiety.
  • If you’re not an experienced traveler, start with small adventures and possibly local travel before embarking on multiple leg international travel.
  • Make prior arrangements and give yourself time – decrease stress.
  • Planned downtime in your travel and after your travel is complete – helps to reduce stress and anxiety from transitioning.
  • In planning your itinerary consider avoiding high stress and congested, busy confusing and complicated towns and cities. try to focus on relax locations.
  • In planning consider including locations that offer meditation and yoga, give yourself breathing room to relax.
  • Try to maintain a routine by forcing yourself to get up and get about, start your day around the same time is a good idea.
  • Try not to push yourself too much and try not to compare yourself to others. Some people find that exploring new places helps their depression symptoms while others discover that the stresses of jet lag and being in strange places can make their feelings worse. Take your time and be gentle with yourself and give yourself permission to feel & be in the moment.

Medications while traveling .

  • Make sure to take your anti-depression or other medications with you on your trip, avoid changing the dosages around the time of your trip.
  • Pack medications in carry-on bag not your checked bag.
  • Always take medication in the original labeled bottles with the original prescription written on it, and the doctors name/address/phone number.
  • It’s important to note however that many psychotropic drugs used to treat depression are restricted or even banned in some parts of the world so it’s important to review sources such as your local travel clinic, CDC, the visiting country Immigration and Customs website.

Things you need to know when buying travel insurance.

Before embarking on travel, it is recommended to secure travel insurance, even for local travel but definitely for international travel. Travel Insurance can arrange medical treatment in an emergency, monitor your care, serve as interpreters, help you replace lost passports and so much more.  There are many pointers that you should know and there many facts you should find out prior to travel. A few things you should know about travel insurance:

  • Benefits vary by plan. It’s important to choose a plan that fits your needs, your budget and your travel plans. Here are definitions of all available travel insurance benefits. https://www.allianztravelinsurance.com/find-a-plan/benefits
  • Coverage – Travel insurance can’t cover every possible situation. Allianz Global Assistance offers named perils travel insurance, which means it covers only the specific situations, events, and losses included in your plan documents, and only under the conditions we describe. Travel insurance is designed to cover unforeseeable events— not things you could easily see coming, or things within your control. If, for example, you wait to buy insurance for your beach trip until after a named hurricane is hustling toward your destination, your losses wouldn’t be covered.

First before leaving your country take some time to review your own local insurance policy. Consider calling your insurance representative if you’re not quite sure about what or how much your coverage allows. Also it’s important to note the difference between travel protection, Which includes coverage for a trip cancellation, trip interruption, travel delay benefits, baggage loss or damage or delay, change fee, frequent travel loyalty plan coverage  and travel  insurance, which is akin to health insurance coverage and includes travel protection. The following items are worth checking:

  • Does your local insurance provide medevac transportation from out of state or out of country locations?
  • Does your local insurance cover for emergent care in foreign countries or out of state?
  • If your local insurance provider does not directly pay out of state or foreign countries, do they allow you to provide a claim for reimbursement once returning home?
  • Does your local insurance provider offer reciprocal coverage in other countries, this is because some local insurance carriers have a global presence?
  • Can your local insurance carrier suggest preferred physician clinics or hospital organizations in foreign countries that they would recommend for care if needed?

Secondly, you need to review your travel style and plans for travel Because it’s impacts your cost:

  • Are you a careful planner where you need to have every aspect of your vacation preplanned including hotels, tours etc.
  • Are you a spontaneous adventurous risk-taker traveler, more of a free spirit with flexible travel plan dates with frequent extension of your visits and changes to your return date?
  • Are you more concerned with saving money?
  • Where are you more concerned with preserving your Peace of Mind and prefer to save well established hotel chains etc.
  • Does your trip have multiple segments?
  • Do you plan on taking multiple trips in a 12 month period?
  • Will this be a solo travel, travel with a partner or a stranger, travel with children?


Some recommended insurance carriers for international travel:

Allianz global assistance (owned by Allianz SE)

Generali global assistance – Parent cpy The Europ Assistance (EA) Group

Seven corners

Travelex (Australian owned parent company Cover-More Group)

Travel guard (Parent company)

World nomads

MedjetAssist – medical evacuation membership, has access to over 250 private air ambulances that evacuated hospitalized patients

What is the significance of Including your primary care doctor in your travel medical decisions?

Because you have a relationship with your primary care physician and he or she knows your history and has had a professional relationship with you over many years it’s important to include this person in your decision-making. Part of the reason for including your primary care physician in your decision-making as it relates to medical care being sought abroad is that he or she is familiar with you and is incentivized to steer you in one direction or another. The recommendations will be solely based on what is in the best interest of you and your health.

What is important to note is that for various reasons complications can occur upon returning home to your original country. You may need extensive follow-up care on return. This situation can be very problematic for your primary care physician upon your return. It may be necessary just to monitor the course of an uneventful recovery however problems can arise when confronted with the fact that returning medical tourists often do not have records of the procedures that you underwent and/or the medications that you received nor contact information for the foreign health care professionals who provided the services. When your primary care physician at home is asked to make right what went wrong when you have experienced complications as a result of the medical travel, this can be very difficult and problematic. The reason is, if your primary physician has not been previously informed about your plans or about your travel or your procedure and he/she has not been a part of the decision-making process.

Some of the risks involved in travel overseas for medical care as mentioned involve the post treatment care which will then be the responsibility of the medical care system in your home country under your primary physician. If your physician is not willing to assume this responsibility, then you may have to return to the country that provided the medical care initially. This could obviously pose a lot of problems for you. Other concerns are that foreign laws governing medical liability are not as strict as those in the United States which is one of the reasons why their costs are so low, but this could leave you with limited recourse for compensation if medical malpractice is suspected. Additionally, there is no one to complain to because many of these physicians over in other countries are not regulated by the same organizations and boards that your primary care physician may be.

Lastly, having a team to coordinate your care that has worked with the physician and team who provided your care to begin with cannot be emphasized enough. Preferably if your physician had been involved in the decision-making process in the beginning this following through afterwards especially with coordinating care with the doctors in the foreign country, this could provide a seamless course of care upon your return.