How to pick a country for medical mission work.

Medical missions are being organized all over the world originating generally from countries in the West and organized through church or religious establishments and /or civic groups such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Links etc. These are all well intentioned ventures with a mind for doing good and with intentions of filling a deficit in certain countries of what they perceive to be needed resources, opportunities, or services. Here are some tips that may help you to improve and enhance your experience while providing the most benefit and return an engagement from your efforts.

  1. First start with yourself.
    1. Ask yourself why you want to go on a mission trip.
      1. Maybe you need a break from your everyday life and stresses.
      2. Maybe you’re trying to change the focus of your life and trying to understand more about yourself.
      3. Maybe you want to learn more about different country and culture.
      4. Maybe this is an opportunity for personal growth and introspection.
      5. Maybe you’re trying to find purpose in your life.
    2. What is it you want to get out of the mission trip?
      1. Do you need credits for an activity?
      2. Are you a part of a church group or other civic organization and this is one of the annual opportunities available?
  2. Next look at the mission venture.
    1. What group are you going with, who is organizing the trip.
      1. Do you know those who are organizing the group?.
      2. Do you know the history of the group and how it began?
      3. Are those organizing their trip in the group the original members, and if not is their philosophy similar to that of the original creators of the group.
      4. Is it group close to you or is it at a distance?
      5. Is there a financial obligation or a financial incentive?
      6. What is the money trail?
    2. Why did you choose this group?
      1. Was the group recommended to you?
      2. Did you find the group on Google search?
      3. Is this a school, church, club venture?
    3. What is the purpose that is driving this mission venture?
      1. Has your organization discussed this with you and the team?
      2. Do you get a sense that there’s unification of purpose?
      3. Is there a vision and mission of the group that’s clearly evident?
      4. Has the group done this frequently visiting other countries and what is the experience and outcome of those ventures or adventures?
      5. A Drop in the Bucket: The Joys, Sorrows, and Horrors of Medical Missions
  3. What countries are being chosen.
    1. Why are these countries being chosen and how are they selected?
    2. What is the criteria for being selected and how do they compare one country with another as to eligibility for being selected?
    3. Is there a connection between the organizers and the country?
      1. Maybe there is a working relationship possibly or a religious connection, there could even be a familiar connection currently or dating back to the origins of your group and organization.
      2. With this connection is there some partiality amongst members of the group, is there any withheld information from different members of the group.
    4. Look at the climate of the country and the usual weather and expectation for climate catastrophes such as hurricanes or monsoons.
    5. Investigate the terrain and environment.
      1. Will there be a lot of uphill travel possibly travel that vehicles cannot navigate, Will there be a lot of walking involved.
      2. Are special types of clothes and shoes going to be necessary.
      3. Is the environment going to be very wet forestry or dry and desert like, or possibly hot and humid Anne what protective gear or precautions need to be considered?
    6. What about the safety of the destination?
      1. Have you discussed this in detail and inquired about what limitations and restrictions you will have in the venue and outside the venue?
      2. Is it safe to venture outside of the venue? and if so, can you do so alone, or should you have accompaniment?
      3. How are the sleeping and boarding arrangements planned amongst the team?
  4. What about communication & connectivity?
    1. What is the level of communication availability in the country?
    2. Is there a limit to the availability of the communication? Are there specific hours or locations with more connectivity, specific times of the day or specific days where and when this communication will be available?
  5. Do you have to be aware of any geopolitical concerns?
    1. What is the political arena of the country and countries around it at this time?
    2. Is there any mutiny or civil unrest that you need to be aware of?
    3. Is there any negative sentiments currently between your country and the destination country that you need to be aware of?
      1. If present, is this a good time for you to travel? possibly an alternative time would be better if not a different country altogether?
    4. Look at the climate of the country and the usual weather and expectation for climate catastrophes such as hurricanes or monsoons.
    5. Investigate the terrain and environment.
      1. Will there be a lot of uphill travel possibly travel that vehicles cannot navigate, Will there be a lot of walking involved.
      2. Are special types of clothes and shoes going to be necessary.
      3. Is the environment going to be very wet forestry or dry and desert like, or possibly hot and humid Anne what protective gear or precautions need to be considered?
    6. Are there any particular do’s and don’ts, faux pas that you need to be aware of in the country as it relates to the political arena.
    7. THERE IS A HEALER: Stories of Medical Missions Outreach
  6. What are the language barriers?
    1. Will there be sufficient translators or do the people in the region understand your language?
    2. Is it best to go to a destination that you’re familiar with the language?
  7. What about food and other necessary amenities?
    1. Do you have specific dietary needs, and will this destination be able to meet those needs? Are there substitutes available?
    2. Is the native food consistent with your dietary requirements and or needs?
    3. How about your medications, what if you run out – is there a pharmacy and or medical facility within reasonable distance?

What’s important here is that you find the mission program that is in line with your purpose, your vision and mission in life. It’s important that the venture serves to add value to your life and by so doing you add value to the program and to those whose lives you touch. You want the experience to be mutually beneficial and one that will help the country you visit and the people you visit to be better off because you were there. Essentially you want to give more than you take but in the long run when you look at it this way you, will be better off.

Author: Judi Shaw, MD.

Founder & CEO

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